
4 Facebook app strategies to reduce costs

Use these proven Facebook app strategies to effectively reduce cost, grow business and reach your target audience.

You can promote your app by launching campaigns designed to drive more installs or you can optimize for custom in-app events, delivering ads to people more likely to specific actions within the app, such as a purchase.

This tool also allows marketers to promote more than installs and custom app events.

You can create custom audiences and lookalikes from app installers and any custom in-app events, such as users who have made a purchase within your app in a designated number of days.

These audiences can also be leveraged across other Facebook marketing initiatives, ensuring you’re always reaching the people at the right time in the right place.

But if you’ve struggled with app campaigns in the past or want to improve your overall cost-per-install (CPI), here are four proven Facebook app strategies.

1. Ensure you have iOS14+ turned on

Since Apple implemented significant changes to their privacy settings, allowing iPhone users to simply opt-out of mobile tracking, we’ve had to adapt to how we set up and run campaigns.

Luckily, Facebook has rolled out features that help navigate these changes, such as the iOS 14+ campaign feature.

This campaign setting needs to be enabled when you create a campaign. Turning it on allows your Facebook campaign to reach everyone on iOS 14.5 and higher.

More reach allows for more data to be passed back to Facebook’s algorithm to deliver your app ads to the people who are most likely to install and therefore will help to drive costs down.

Remember, Facebook needs 50 conversion events per week per ad set to optimize campaigns to its best ability. Hence, why the iOS 14+ campaign feature is so important.

Without this feature, your campaigns only serve a handful of impressions, which can skyrocket your CPIs.

For example, before turning this feature on, we saw 42 impressions compared to 5,000 for a single ad set within a 7-day period.

Running Facebook app campaigns doesn’t have to be a struggle

Facebook’s iOS 14+ campaign, open targeting, Catalog ads and automation are exceptional tools available at your fingertips to drive success.

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